Arithmetic 5 Work-text 4th Edition

Arithmetic 5 Work-text 4th Edition
Book Description
Help students build a conceptual foundation of important math skills with Arithmetic 5! Teaching concepts through the spiral approach, students will encounter material again and again through continual practice and review.
This colorful workbook reviews facts and concepts learned in previous grades before moving on to new material. Concepts covered in Grade 5 include: the place value of whole number and decimals, story problems, calculating time, making change, rounding off numbers, operations involving fractions, probability, percents, negative temperature, graphs, estimation, square roots, and more.
The sold-separately curriculum/lesson plans are required to complete this curriculum; tests and drills are also available.
Approximately 396 pages. Grade 5.

Book Information
Title: Abeka Arithmetic 5 Work-text, Fourth Edition
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Dimensions: 11 X 8.5 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds 1 ounce
Stock No: WW235119

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