Prepare 2nd Level 5 B1 Student Book Class Audio

This second edition combines ‘teen-appeal’ topics with extensive preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First for Schools…and the brand new levels 8 and 9 for C1 Advanced!
Key features:
– A two-book approach to each exam level gives students a perfect balance of exam practice and general English, from A2 Key for Schools to C1 Advanced.
– Its new digital learning environment on Cambridge One provides easy access to all teaching and learning materials, in one place and across multiple devices.
– ‘Life Skills’ sections help students to develop competencies they will need for the rest of their lives, such as team work, decision making, social responsibilities, creativity and presentation skills.
– Illuminating articles and videos activate learners’ curiosity about the wider world: shopping in London, the Paralympics, team sports in Canada, British TV and many more subjects are explored, exposing learners to a wide selection of cultural experiences.
– Selected words and phrases are carefully benchmarked to the CEFR exam level and given special attention in dedicated vocabulary practice sections. Additional language allows learners to take their English even further, reflecting real usage in everyday English.
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