Book Description Treats and Treasures 3f Abeka Reading ProgramAbeka’s Treats and Treasures 3rd Grade reader contains 13 stories, 8 poems, and 1 recipe! It will introduce your student to classics such as Robert McCloskey’s “Homer Price,” Gertrude Chandler Warner’s “Box Car Children,” and Donald J. Sobol’s “Encyclopedia Brown.” “Dig Deeper” sections challenge your child to find the main idea and the moral of each selection by teaching him concepts such as recognizing a problem/solution and cause/effect, while “Think About It” and “What Do You Think?” sections develop your child’s thinking skills and help him to apply the truths he has learned to real-life situations.
This is Abeka reader 3f in the Grade 3 reader series. 138 pages, softcover.
Book Information
Title: Treats and Treasures (Abeka Grade 3 Reader)
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abeka
Publication Date: 2019
Weight: 6 ounces
Stock No: WW315451